Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I think I am loosing my mind. But maybe that is God's plan. If I loose my marbles then I might stop trying to control God and let Him work through me. I have continued to wait for it to lighten up and get easier around here. Silly me, I know. I have waited for my kids to fall in love with the boys and embrace them with open arms. I am delusional at best. I have looked forward to the day when I wake up and feel unconditional love for Josh and Joey. (Heavy sigh inserted here.)

Homeschooling is hard.
Taking in three brothers to adopt is harder.
Listening to God speak through all the chaos is hardest.
Loving those I live with like Christ loves me is impossible.

Good thing I'm not in this alone, but am surrounded by loving friends and family who serve in our lives selflessly and the grace of God that has become my very breath and sanity.

I'm just really thankful I didn't make anyone cry today! It must have been a good day, mostly!

1 comment:

  1. It is hard! God hears your cries and your boys! I think you are amazing - even in your weak times and all the difficulties you face with taking in 3 brothers! At the preschool I work at when I'm having a challenging day (read that as... the kids are wild!) I remember playing is learning and throw out my planned agenda (craft, letter or the day, whatever) and we just play together - lol!
