Friday, June 10, 2011

The Number Game

My head already hurts from counting kids all the time. Everywhere we go I count heads. Sometimes I start with 8 and just think of who's not with us then subtract. Just when I was getting the numbers down God threw us a curve ball. Now I'm going to have to start with 9 and subtract.

We have been approved and been given a referral for a child in Africa. This wasn't supposed to happen. That door had been closed last summer. But God..... He is amazing and does amazing things when we are asleep, or not looking, or pursuing other things, or just plain tired. God closed that door and then designed for it to be opened at His appointed time.

This was an out of the blue blessing. I know many may think I'm in over my head and I would agree with them. But one has to ask the question, "Is God sovereign or not?" I believe He is in control of all things and works them together for His glory. So if God has entrusted three boys from the state to us plus my children that I gave birth to then He has a great plan for this family as He delivers one more from Africa. Oh boy, here we go!!!


  1. WOW!!!!! How wonderful! This is very exciting news!!! You are right - God sure does have a GREAT plan for your family! And we love being along for the ride and watching it all happen!

    We love you! Thank you for letting us know how to pray and praise!

    love, The Maj's

  2. Wow, congratulations! I'm praying for you all!

  3. A friend on Facebook posted what her child said recently: "God heals our booboos while we sleep becuase we stop talking to Him about them and He can get to work."

    Isn't is amazing how God works! So excited for you expanding family.
