Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Does the Lord Require of Me?

I have been thinking a lot lately about what the Lord requires of me and I think that Deuteronomy 10: 12-13 lays it out pretty clear.

"And now Israel what does the Lord your God require of you, but the fear the Lord your God," I understand this one and can truthfully say I know and understand that God rules and reigns in my life and that my life was given to me to love and obey Him. I want to glorify Christ in my life.

"to walk in all His ways..." He left us His holy word to follow and live by. I love reading the Bible and learning new insights about my life in Christ. It easy to set up a list of does and don't from the Bible to live by, don't lie, do love others. (All lists aren't bad.) Maybe instead of list I should say foundation. We have a foundation through scripture to live by.

"to love Him..." Oh this must be the easiest one. When you understand and see all that He has done for us how can you not love Him. He suffered and died so that my ugly offensive sins can be cancelled out and forgiven. He extends grace to all mankind by allowing us to live in this beautiful world that He has created and hasn't struck everyone dead for their hideous sins. He seeks to do good for US. What's not to love.

"to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul." Now this is the tricky one. We all want to turn that service into something beneficial to us. I think the second part of that sentence refers to doing the service with joy and submission. How can you get away from "with all your heart and all your soul." That means every bit of me has to be on board with whatever the Lord asks from my life. He gave me this life, but not so that I can whittle out of it my own glory in worldly accomplishments. He gave me this life to do His work and live for Him.

"and to keep the commandments and statues of the Lord which I am commanding you today for your good." Pretty self explanatory. Keep Gods word because it's for our sake.

I know this is long and I usually don't like writing a book for a post, but I had to get this off my chest. We like to put God in our little boxes and conform Him to our lives, but He won't allow it and if your heart is truly open to loving Him and being used by Him then stand back and watch the miracles take place.


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