Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vacation From Life= Life Follows You

We are in Brookings, Oregon for our annual family vacation. Jesse and I have been a little reluctant to bring the boys to the condo because we didn't know if the new surroundings would be too much for them. Mel, Trent and Isabelle are used to this place and know what to do and look forward to. Last fall we took all the kids camping, after the boys had been with us for only a month, and it was chaos. So needless to say I was a little frightened of our stay here. Thankfully they have been pretty good and have enjoyed the beach and hikes.

But, I have to remember that a vacation with kids doesn't mean a vacation from life! On the car ride here Josh lost his dinner for the last 4 hours of the ride. I have never had a kid get car sick before. It's gross! Yesterday we went to a Wild Life Animal Park and it was great, everyone loved it, well Isabelle was a little frightened of all the goats and deer coming up to her, but she is a bit of a drama queen. The kids got to hold ferrets, skunks, opossums, and some kind of Asian raccoon thing. We saw lions, tigers and bear, truly! After the zoo we went and had fish and chips. Not too good for Joey's stomach. We were shopping in Bandon at a store when Joey says to me, "I don't feel good." I head him out of the store and within 2 seconds looses his lunch on the sidewalk. I'm used to Nate spitting up all the time, but revisiting fish and chips was not the perfect ending to the perfect day. We had to pull over every 10 minutes on the ride home to clean out his barf bag! I'm almost afraid to travel home on Wednesday, who's going to be sick then?

Life goes on, and we are making the best of our time together. Today it's coloring, cutting and movies. Little things keep the kids happy.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great; I remember having outings with my parents, that is, up to a certain age. Hope great that your kids get to experience such fun - even with the barfs!

    Happy Birthday, Jessica. I hope you have time to celebrate your being. It's always fun for us to be around you and your family. Enjoy.
