Monday, March 29, 2010

To the Responders

I just wanted to let those who respond know that when you do I pray for you. I don't write or share for the responses, but they are an encouragement to me. Sometimes you wonder if anyone is out there and I've come to confidently believe that whoever reads these posts was meant to read them. If it's only two people then I know God wanted those two people to be apart of this. I do tend to share what is on my heart, but believe me when I say there is much thought and prayer that goes into this blog. I do not type randomly and if there is nothing to say then I don't want to waste your or my time.

So, I have started to pray for those bold people who comment or leave their mark in some way on my blog or facebook page. I do thank you and pray that my words would encourage others to consider what the Lord is calling them to do in His name.


  1. I read your blogs and think they are great! ;)

    Your loyal fan member,


  2. Sorry to respond a few weeks after this post. I haven't been posting much myself these days; things have gotten so busy! Love you guys and I do read you! We are thrilled for your family and excited to see what God will do. Much love dear one!
