Friday, January 1, 2010


I have often thought "Why would I start a blog?" I don't have much to say that's new and I am not a good speller. Well, the second issue is solved for me with spell check. But as to having anything new to say that is true. I am an ordinary girl living an extraordinary life through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I may not have anything to add to the blog world, but God is using my husband and I in new and amazing ways. I wish and pray that I can encourage others to live for Christ and as we go through the process of adopting two children from Rwanda I hope to encourage anyone thinking about adopting. I have followed many bloggers for several months now and am taking in things that I like about the various blogs and hope to incorporate in mine. Someday I hope to have the time to explain who I am because that has helped me get to know many other women and be encouraged by them. But for now my 5 year old is singing about Jesus at the top of her lungs in the tub because no one is paying her any attention right now! Hopefully soon she won't be the youngest anymore.


  1. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere! I am so excited to read about your adventures...we need to get together...SOON!!

  2. Jessica,
    blogging is great, and can be a great stress release as well. Praise God for your new adventure! I am really excited for you! I have a friend who is adopting from Haiti, and it has been a long wait and ups and downs. But she is patiently waiting on God's timing! Have a blast!

  3. Hey girl! I am a follower! Welcome to the blogging community - may you find it an incredible source of encouragement; I know I have.

    Blessings dear sister!
    Love ya,
